Walks Project: Full steam ahead 2025-2027! With funding support from the Commonwealth government thanks to MP for Higgins Michelle Anandah-Rajah, work will take place on pilot sites along two corridors:
- Kooyong-Heyington
- South Yarra-Windsor
These revegetation projects will be transformative for us and for environmental action in Stonnington, involving us and our project partners in site design and documentation, weed control, soil improvement, new planting and other habitat enhancement in consultation with Traditional Custodians and land managers.
We are delighted to have begun consultations with Wurundjeri Elders and are currently in negotiations with City of Stonnington on access to sites in South Yarra, Windsor and Toorak; and with Melbourne Water on a site close to the river near our project partners, the Yarra Link Project.
Calling all volunteers! We would welcome participation from all interested groups and individuals. Please get in touch via rewildingstonnington.org/ or drop us a line at rewildingstonnington@gmail.com
In other news:
City of Stonnington: watch out for the Seniors Expo (20 February) and Volunteer Expo (14 March). More news in 2025.
Higgins CAN: are gearing up to maximise local support for environmental action in time for the next election: next pub night Tuesday 21 January at the Malvernvale Hotel https://higginscan.org/
Windsor Primary School: Rewilding Stonnington is delighted to be partnering with the Windsor PS school community on a new indigenous planting project along the Bendigo Terrace boundary fence. Watch for working bee dates TBA.
If you have news items about events or activities in our local area relating to green space, the environment or biodiversity, please do let us know. We're always happy to share. |