AGM October 9, working bees and other news
Rewilding Stonnington Rewilding Stonnington
Locality - Sustainability - Community

Hullo there Rewilders,


Just a reminder that our Annual General Meeting for 2023 is on

                      Monday 9 October  in the

Meeting Room, Grattan Gardens Community Centre Prahran

                      at 6pm


Everyone welcome! Followed by a regular committee meeting if anybody wants to stay on ...


In the meantime we've been super busy, mulching and planting like mad. Thanks to everyone who has joined us, including new volunteers and people we haven't seen for a while. We're always happy to welcome you, whenever you can make it!


If anyone missed it, the BoM has committed themselves:



Yes folks, looks like a long, hot, dry summer ahead

In fact, we've been so busy mulching we still have plants to put in!


Working bees in October


 Sunday 1 Oct

10am-12 noon

Stationeers Program

 Prahran Station

Weed, mulch, plant

 Everyone welcome! Led by Julie Laidler

Sunday 8 Oct

10am-12 noon



 Let's get the last of those plants in!

Everyone welcome! Led by Nadine Samaha and Graham Ross


For all working bees: Meet on site for a safety briefing, then work as directed. Dress for the weather, wear a hat, gloves, long pants and solid-toed shoes, stay hydrated.

Tools, gloves and other basic safety gear and first aid supplies are available from the Rewilding Trailer. Feel free to bring your own hand tools but don’t forget to label them!

Perth St 2023

In other news

  • Rewilding Stonnington has been nominated for the City of Stonnington Volunteer Awards in the Environment category. Wish us luck for the presentation event on 25 October!
  • Initial feedback on Stonnington's new Chapel St Transformation blueprint is due in by 30 September. We and other local environment groups will be arguing for more green space and tree canopy, with an emphasis on indigenous plants. Have your say! Chapel St Transformation feedback

Upcoming speaking engagements:

  • YCAN (Yarra Climate Action Network) on Wednesday 11/10 at 7pm
  • Stonnington All About Gardening Group on 26/10 at 2pm. Zoom session for Seniors Week: to book, call Stonnington Council on 8290 1333 or

Friends' events:

  • Phoenix Park Community Centre AGM 2pm 11/10 at Phoenix Park
  • KooyongKoot Alliance AGM 6.45pm 17/10 at Blackburn Lake Sanctuary
  • South East Volunteers and Council are holding pop up events to promote volunteering in Stonnington: 10am-2pm on 19/10 (Malvern Central) and 20/10 (Prahran Market). For details please email Louise Solomon

NEW!  Summer task list ...

As the weather warms up some members have offered to keep an eye on our work sites, particularly at Tooronga/BEAMI and Prahran (thanks Colleen and others).

Feel free to pull out obvious weeds and pick up litter if you are passing by - but do work safely. Wear gloves!! and take particular care with biohazards like used tissues etc. If you see any stray sharps, do not attempt to dispose of them yourself. Call the Victorian Syringe Disposal Helpline on 1800 552 355 (free call, 24 hours) or Stonnington Customer Service on 03 8290 1333 - they will arrange for it to be picked up.

Plants will need water but we don't want to overdo it - let us know if beds are looking thirsty and we'll organise a water detail. Also check our FB page for updates.


A special thank you as always, to our wonderful Elder Advisor, Uncle Shane Charles for his inspiration and wisdom. Watch out for exciting new project announcements in 2024!


And do let us know if you have news about environmental events and activities in Stonnington and nearby - we're always happy to share.


Growing wilder!


Alison Richards (President) for the Rewilding Stonnington Inc. Committee:
Nadine Samaha (Deputy President), Mary Mahoney (Treasurer),
Julie Laidler, Graham Ross, Kirby Roper, Grace Warner, Jason Whyte.

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Perth St 2023
Perth St 2023
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Rewilding Stonnington